Sightseeing The Golden Gate Bridge


Ahh…. Spring break! The time when time and worries no longer applies. Sunshine and exploring with the family is everything I could ask for after a long hiatus of sun in the Washington state. Something about California just makes my heart so happy! Our first stop in our spring break was San Fransisco and of course we would have to visit the Golden Gate Bride!


We see this iconic bridge in tv shows and movies, and I am so happy to finally see it in front of my eyes. It makes me think of the journey for the people who built this bridge long ago that made it into what it is today. Everything about it is so amazing! Ah, when we drove through it… I am sure I had the record button from start to finish.


What makes me so happy as a parent is to experience these first times with my children. How wonderful it is to visit places for the first time with my kids… that sort of makes me an innocent traveler if I haven’t even visited the bridge before this, but my heart is full and so blessed. They enjoyed running back and forth from one end to the other. They loved repeating the “Golden Gate Bridge” over and over during our time there and I loved hearing it! It’s kind of catchy isn’t it?



Just look at these faces! Well okay, of course, comparing Mileina’s expressions from these last two pictures and the the first picture in this blog is extremely priceless. You will see in my next few posts that she will never smile when a stranger takes our family pictures oppose to one of us taking it. It’s hilarious! Anyway, we had such a great time just enjoying this day. I don’t know what it is about San Fransisco but I would love to live there! This area is definitely a must see if you are ever in the area!


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