This World Was Given Over

It’s been months. Since my last post, it’s been a whirlwind. Probably too many things that is too jumbled to…

Accepting Why I Am Because of Him

Today is day three of the fast and yesterday was an amazing day. My husband is doing the fast with…


I'm a Washington lifestyle blogger, wife, + mama of three! This blog is my life letters sharing about everyday life: all the joy + all the struggles. Let's relate, overcome, accept, and renew together! I also share about fave family products, home organization, + all things beauty!

Choosing To Hear God

It is a new year and it is a new day. Today marks the start of our twenty one day…

Being At Peace Following Jesus Wholeheartedly

This has been heavy on my heart lately. I have this huge desire to follow Jesus in a way that…

A Sojourner

Have you ever felt like nothing satisfies? That you are always yearning for more? I felt that throughout my childhood,…

When You Feel Like A Failure

Dear Friends, Happy Sunday! It’s been one of those days that no matter what it feels like my hands are…

The Sad Joy

This whole month has been such a convicting joyous month. That may sound weird explained that way, but it has…

What Is A Step of Faith Anyway?

Yesterday was the first day of the 21 day fast. I thought to myself, “I can do this.” At the…

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